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A New Years "Thank You"

Happy New Year

I am starting off 2018 enthusiastically shouting “THANK YOU!” to YOU. Your presence, support, and energy (even if we have never met) has meant a lot to me and my passion baby, Orisa Tii. All of your kind words, encouragement, suggestions, resources, hugs, smiles, handshakes, and the gentle critiques have all sparked life into a long time dream. 2017 was an intense year of entrepreneurship adventures, learning, growth, and new friendships. I am forever blessed, humbled, and so very grateful for you! My personal mission has always focused on being a healing energy to others, even in the smallest of ways. There is power in nature that fuels our well-being from all angles and I intend to continue to create blends that inspire, heal, and nourish you. Mind, body, and soul. All done while dancing, singing, laughing, and blaring the latest Afrobeats, Latin, and Konpa vibes. Believe me, when I say pure love and spiritual energy goes into everything that I touch. Looking forward to the year ahead, Orisa Tii will continue to grow and evolve. You’ll see new blends, more events, blog posts, videos, and information to keep you sharp on your tea education. In all, the feedback has been ‘ahh-maz-ing’ and there are only positive things to come. Sending waves of HAPPINESS, HEALTH, and LOVE your way for 2018. Cheers!

With love and light, Juliette

Let us all be like Mariah...And NEVER start the year without hot tea!

Mariah Carey sipping tea

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